Off-Campus Work Study Employer

How to become a contract off-campus Work Study Employer with the University of New Mexico

In order for your organization to become a contract off-campus work study employer with the University of New Mexico, your organization must meet these two (2) requirements:

     · Must be a NON-profit organization
     · Position must be community service

Community services are defined as services that are identified by an institution of higher education through formal or informal consultation with local nonprofit, governmental, and community-based organizations, as designed to improve the quality of life for community residents, particularly low-income individuals, or to solve particular problems related to their needs. Examples of these services may include health care, child care, literacy training, education (including tutoring), and support for students with disabilities. To be considered employed in a community service job, the student does not necessarily have to provide a "direct" service. For example, a student working for a "meals on wheels" program may prepare meals for the program without having any direct contact with the community residents, yet the service he or she is providing is very important in meeting community needs.

When reviewing potential community service agencies, we take priority on those agencies that will meet the human, educational, environmental, and public safety needs of the community.

If your organization meets these two (2) requirements, then your organization will need to submit:

1. A letter of intent. The letter must include:
     -Description of your organization
     -Sample job description
     -Proposed pay rate
     -Proposed number of students your organization would like to hire

2. Proof of NON-profit status from the IRS

Send Request to:

Jeanette Quintanar
University of New Mexico
Student Employment Office
1155 University SE
Albuquerque, NM  87106

Our office will review your request once we receive it. We will contact your organization with our decision. If approved, a contract will be sent out for your signature.

Questions? Please call (505) 220-6338 or email