GROW Program


Lobo GROW®

With the goal of enriching the student experience, UNM is implementing the GROW® program with key campus student employers. The program aligns with student learning outcomes (UNM 5) as well as the UNM 2040 strategic plan goal two: student experience and educational innovation.  

Starting in the beginning of the Fall 2022 semester, the University of New Mexico will be launching the Lobo GROW pilot program with the idea to aid student employees to discover their full potential in a variety of professional settings.

What is GROW®?

GROW® or Guided Reflection on Work was established at The University of Iowa in 2009 with the goal to make student employment a high-impact practice. 150+ institutions have expressed interest in or are actively implementing GROW®. 

GROW® uses structured reflection to encourage connections and transfer between workplace learning, classroom learning, and future goals. Student employees complete an annual online survey asking about connections between these areas; student employees and their supervisors also have two brief conversations each semester guided by the following questions: 

  1. How is this job fitting in with your academics?
  2. What are you learning here at work that is helping you in school?
  3. What are you learning in class that you can apply here at work?
  4. Can you give me a couple examples of things you are learning here at work that you will use in your chosen profession?

GROW® helps students recognize and articulate what they are learning, and make connections between different learning contexts. These skills are valuable in current and future contexts including job interviews and graduate school applications.

Lobo GROW Goals

  • To strengthen students' transferable skills across various settings such as the classroom, workplace, and future careers.
  • To support student employees with the help of supervisors to enhance their professional inquiries.
  • To build and connect stronger relationships between student employees and supervisors throughout the program.

Lobo GROW® Partners

The Lobo GROW® project is sponsored by the Office of the Provost with the following founding partners, including several of UNM’s largest campus employers:

  • Division of Enrollment Management – Student Employment
  • Division of Student Affairs – Career Services, Recreation Services, Student Union
  • Undergraduate Research, Arts & Design Network (URAD)
  • University Libraries & Learning Sciences (ULLS) – Access Services & Undergraduate Engagement


87% of the conversations with students saw skills obtained in the classroom be transferred into the work settings.

96% of the conversations with students saw skills obtained at work be transferred into classroom settings.

99% of the conversations with students projected to transfer skills between current work experiences and future career goals.

100% of students made all connections (class/work/future) in more than one conversation.

*outcomes from University Libraries pilot program, 2017-2019

Activity Timeline

Fall 2022

Early Aug.Orientation & Training session for supervisors
Mid to late Sept.Complete 1 st fall semester Lobo GROW conversations
Early to mid-Oct.Debrief with peers and program leads
Early to mid-Nov.Complete 2 nd fall semester Lobo GROW conversations
Late Nov./ early Dec.Debrief with peers and program leads


Spring 2023

Week of Jan. 17 thRequest student supervisors link to online Lobo GROW survey and ask to be complete by Feb. 3 rd
Late Feb./ early Mar.Complete 1st spring semester Lobo GROW conversations
Mid Mar.Debrief with peers and program leads
Mid to late Apr.Complete 2 nd spring semester Lobo GROW conversations
Mid to late MayDebrief of first year experience with GROW peers and program leads. This is where we consider adjustments for the upcoming academic year.


Additional Information

Interested in learning more? Contact us.