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Student Employment Office

MSC11 6315
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone No : (505)-277-3511
Fax : (505)-277-6925

Employer Online Training

STEP 2: Interviewing Strategies

It is up to the department to set up the interview. If your department chooses, you may request a resume or an application.

Before the interview, you should refresh yourself with the minimum Employment Requirements to be employed by the Student Employment Office.

During the interview, some appropriate questions you might want to address are:

Any "standard" questions regarding experience(if necessary) and/or hours the student is available to work?

Is the student work study qualified?

If the student is qualified, does the student have an award?

How many credit hours is the student enrolled in for the current semester?
Note: Please refer to Employment Requirements for minimum enrollment requirements.

During the interview you will want to tell the student what your expectations are and any policies or procedures regarding confidentiality of information or dress code, etc.

Remind the student that if hired, he/she will be on an 8-week Probationary Period and if work performance is below what is required of the job, they may be dismissed without notice.

Refer or make available to the student the Student Employee Handbook.

Allow the student to ask questions about the position and your department.

Continue to STEP 3