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Contact Us:

Student Employment Office

MSC11 6315
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone No : (505)-277-3511
Fax : (505)-277-6925

Employer Online Trianing

STEP 3: The Hiring Process

Once the interview process is over and you have chosen a student to hire, you must follow the procedures of our office. The student is NOT permitted to begin working until our office has approved him/her.

To process the student, we will need:

     1. Complete the Hiring Proposal through the Job Posting on UNMJOBS

Please note: The assignment start date will be changed by our department if the necessary paperwork is not submitted on time. The assignment end date should be the last day the student will be working. If the end date is unknown, the last day of the academic year may be entered. Our department may change the date if the student is not eligible to work past the date given by your department.

     2. Print out any additional paperwork the student might need.

If the student has never worked for the University, he/she will need to submit:     

Please note: The I-9 is to be completed by all new employees and employees with a break of employment of one or more days. Please fill out Section 1 only. Section 2 must be completed by personnel in our office. Please bring proper identification as indicated on this form. Hiring paperwork will not be processed for students who do not have proper identification.

If the student has worked for the University before, he/she does not need any additional paperwork, unless he/she needs to update any of the forms listed above or has another job within the University. If the student has another active job assignment he/she must have a Two Job Memo filled out and signed by both your department and the other department(s) the student is working for. An I-9 will have to be submitted, if there is a break of employment of one or more days.

Click here if the student is an International Student.

     3. If the student is interested in having Direct Deposit, the form can be printed and brought into our office with the hiring paperwork. Please make sure a voided check or deposit slip is attached. Direct Deposit can also be set up online.

     4. Have the student complete the Online Customer Service Training.  

     5. Please send the student to our office with all required documents. Our office is located in Mesa Vista Hall in the Financial Aid Office.

Our office will verify the student's enrollment status and workstudy eligibility (if appropriate). If the student meets the minimum Employment Requirements, our department will authorize the student to begin working and a copy will be made of the referral card and given back to the student to give to your department. If the student does not meet the minimum requirements, our department will NOT authorize the student to begin work.

If at any time you need to Transfer your student from Work-study to Student Employment or vice versa, that can be completed through UNMJobs.

Continue to STEP 4