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Student Employment Office

MSC11 6315
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone No : (505)-277-3511
Fax : (505)-277-6925

Employer Online Training

STEP 6:Terminations

When it time to terminate your student employee, please make sure it is done properly. Student employees may terminate under a variety of circumstances. There are three broad categories, however, under which the student employee's termination will fall: termination by the Student Employment Office, voluntary termination, or involuntary termination. 

Termination Grievance
This policy applies to all students employed through the Student Employment Office under College Work Study or the Student Employment Program who have successfully completed their probationary period. Students employed as graduate, teaching, research, special and project assistants are subject to the employment policies procedures contained in the Faculty Handbook. Student employees may utilize the termination grievance procedure only to dispute an involuntary dismissal. It may not be used if a student employee resigns (as set forth under Voluntary Termination) nor does it apply to any other work dispute or grievance. Please refer to the Student Employment Handbook for the formal grievance procedure.

To terminate a student employee with our office, please submit one of the following Employment Status Change Form, memo, or the original hire paperwork with the date of termination. If we do not receive a termination, the student's end date will remain as the day indicated on the original hire paperwork.

Our office hopes you have found this program helpful as you hire a student employee. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact our office at 277-3511.